Can They Put Something in the Air to Affect Drugadits to Start Using Again

Medically Reviewed

Editor Melissa Carmona

Melissa Carmona

Every bit the content manager at Avant-garde Recovery Systems, Melissa Carmona puts years of writing and editing... read more

Medically Reviewed By Eric Patterson, LPC

Eric Patterson

Eric Patterson is a licensed professional person counselor in the Pittsburgh surface area who is dedicated to helping... read more than

Updated on 05/xx/21

Article at a Glance:

  • People who abuse methamphetamine or "meth" seek its intense rush that produces high energy, focus and euphoria.
  • They may be driven by intense cravings for meth or want an escape from worry, stress or negative feelings.
  • A person addicted to meth may lie, steal or dispense others to go more meth and avoid hard withdrawal symptoms from a meth crash.
  • Often, people who apply meth are unaware of the negative impact meth has on themselves or the people they love. Inbound handling and recovery is an important stride to thinking outside the drug'south influence.

Understanding How A Meth Aficionado Thinks and Feels

Understanding how a meth addict thinks and feels tin exist valuable if you have a loved one dealing with meth habit. You might not necessarily empathise what it feels like to be addicted to meth, only you lot can glean some insight into the nature of addiction. It tin can assist y'all see that when the person lashes out, lies or steals, it's not a personal attack confronting you. Instead, information technology's a symptom of their affliction.

What Information technology's Like to Be High on Meth

When someone is high on meth, in that location are physical and physiological changes that occur. Many of the changes that happen regarding how the person feels and behaves result from how the drug impacts the encephalon and the nervous arrangement.

The Initial Rush

When people take meth, they may initially experience euphoria considering meth stimulates the brain's reward organisation. It's that stimulation of reward centers that motivates people to continue using meth.

The Loftier

Along with euphoric brain stimulation, there's also a sense of blunted emotions when you take meth. People on meth may non experience feelings as they would ordinarily, so they may actually like this feeling because it tin can help them escape from bad memories or emotional hurting they feel when they're sober. Meth can become non just a way to get high, but a way to escape from worry, stress, and negative feelings.

In a recent survey of meth users, the high was ranked the number one reason people used meth, and coping with mental health symptoms ranked in the top three.

During the high, which tin last anywhere from 4–16 hours, the user will kickoff to experience a sense of power or that they're capable of more than they actually are. That can manifest in sociability every bit an example, merely also equally delusional aggression.

Ofttimes users lack whatsoever sense of self-awareness. Information technology's not usually until a person is in the recovery phase of their addiction that they're even able to recognize their behaviors and the effects on the people effectually them.


Meth utilize can atomic number 82 to tweaking, which is very fidgety behaviors and sensations such as bugs crawling on the skin. That's why people addicted to meth ofttimes have scabs and sores on their faces and areas of their bodies.

At this level of use, people may written report extreme paranoia, hallucinations, and delusional thinking. They may become violently ambitious due to their psychotic symptoms.

In a recent written report, xv.7% of meth users reported experiencing hallucinations long-term, even if they stopped use, and heavy meth users increased their odds of experiencing hallucinations by 50%.

Understanding the Effects of Withdrawal on a Meth Addict's Behavior

People addicted to drugs often think only near their next prepare of the drug. They have tunnel vision because of how their brain reacts to the drug, and they crave it. Their thoughts and actions are often solely dedicated to obtaining more of the drug, and they will do anything necessary.

When people no longer have the power to get more meth or the free energy to use more meth, the crash occurs, mark the onset of methamphetamine withdrawal.

The symptoms of meth crashing include:

  • Low free energy and extreme fatigue
  • Long periods of sleep or inability to sleep
  • Vivid dreams and nightmares
  • Intense depression and anxiety
  • Increased appetite and thirst, usually due to express eating and drinking during a "run"
  • Intense cravings for more meth

Some withdrawal symptoms are more than common than others: current and one-time meth users reported fatigue (57%) and sleep bug (52%) virtually often, followed by increased depression and anxiety (both 41%) and ambition bug (36%).

These unwanted effects are why addicted people oft lie, cheat and steal. They may engage in illegal behaviors outside of drug use as a ways to get more. They're usually unable to recognize the hurting and damage they're causing themselves and the people around them because of their addiction.

Someone addicted to meth or other drugs volition non only prevarication and mislead people, but they may dispense them. Someone who was one time loving and caring may commencement to manipulate the people closest to them to facilitate their continued drug utilize. They'll feed on the concern and beloved of their family members. They may even beg and try to plead with loved ones and brand promises they take no intention of keeping. It tin take a long time before their loved ones have that this is, in fact, manipulation.

Change Starts With Handling and Recovery

In many cases, information technology's virtually impossible for a person struggling with meth addiction to think outside of the drug and their addiction until they receive help and are in handling or recovery. If you take a loved one who's struggling with meth addiction, help is here. Our addiction experts offer evidence-based medical intendance that can aid them kickoff the road to recovery. Contact u.s.a. today to discuss how our personalized handling programs can meet your needs.

  • Sources

    American Psychiatric Association. "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – Fifth Edition." 2013. Accessed April 11, 2021.

    Department of Justice/ Drug Enforcement Assistants. "Drug Fact Canvas: Methamphetamine." April 2020. Accessed April eleven, 2021

    National Institute on Drug Abuse. "Research Report Series: Methamphetamine." October 2019. Accessed April xi, 2021.

    National Establish on Drug Abuse. "Methamphetamine DrugFacts." May 2019. Accessed April xi, 2021.

    Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Assistants. "Detoxification and Substance Abuse Treatment." October 2015. Accessed April eleven, 2021.

  • Medical Disclaimer

    The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with a substance apply or mental wellness disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, handling options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The data we provide is non intended to exist a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Information technology should not exist used in place of the advice of your md or other qualified healthcare provider.

    View our editorial policy or view our inquiry.


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